We rise by lifting others…

Yired UK CIC is an organisation designed for young people aged 14 – 21. We welcome all young people no matter what their belief systems are, their race, their culture, their gender or their sexual preference.

Yired UK is a safe space where young people can come and reside and be free from the pressures of this world.

Part of our primary objectives are to work alongside young people who have been underrepresented in society. We run projects to reduce unemployment within the community, tackle the gang culture, reduce street, knife crime, reoffending, & help put young people who have not had the best start a position to succeed. We also aim to build the confidence and nurture the strengths of those coming into contact with our organisation.

Yired UK also work alongside families with autistic children aged 3-18 that may be facing some challenges in carrying out everyday tasks in their lives.

Many of our candidates are referred through third party agencies that desire to see a common outcome or those who have come into direct contact with YIRED UK CIC.

At times we employ the young people we work with within our organisation through various schemes & projects. We run workshops that will educate them and give them valuable skills in order to make them more employable or lead them into further education. They will acquire information- about the truth behind gangs & knife crime to enable them to make better choices.


If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed…

YIRED UK was founded for the purpose of transforming lives by supporting, inspiring and educating young people within the community.

We understand that there are thousands of young people all around the world who do not have access to the security of family support and many times this becomes detrimental to their progress and growth.

This can result in making wrong choices due to lack of guidance and support. It can also lead to low self esteem, mental health experiences and just a loss of hope.

Even though youth are the heart of YIRED UK, we also aspire to help families within the community in providing a safe and happy environment for their families. This is where Beautiful minds come in. Having an autistic child can be challenging at the best of times and can put a lot of strain on the household. YIRED UK have teamed up with various external organisations to put together a course where a member of our team will work with you and your child to teach them everyday life skills that will aid in helping them into independent living.

Our mission statement as an organisation is “To empower every young person we come into contact with to achieve the best they can.”

We endeavour to support our young people become the best they can.

Through YIRED UK young people will have an opportunity to build a lasting relationship if they so desire and make what could be life long friendships throughout their experience with us. They will be built up and given the tools they need to live a fulfilled and successful life.


Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible…

Our vision as an organisation is to help those who start life at a disadvantage by creating a safe and supportive environment for them to flourish and by providing avenues of education to enable them to be confident, independent and at advantage regarding their future.

We stand strongly against knife crime and gang culture and will be working with external bodies to help get young offenders and individuals who have fallen into this lifestyle out and show them a different perspective on life.

We are committed to doing all of this through teaching recourses, media and speaking engagements.



“To empower every young person we come into contact with to achieve the best they can.”