
Help Us To Spread The Gospel To Young People…

Small or big every single donations counts. Thank You.

Firstly we would like to extend our gratitude to all to who have supported us through donations and by other means.

We are a non-profit organisation and provide all our services free for the young clients & families that we work with. We have many financial obligations to fulfil in order to maintain the work that we do and as a result we rely heavily on your donations to keep our organisation up running and reaching out to those who need our support.

Yired UK exist primarily to benefit young people pursue a relationship with God, rather than to make a profit for shareholders. The statutory basis of the asset lock, ensures that our funds will be used for the benefit of the company’s social objectives and cannot be used for individual shareholders. This helps provide reassurance to you, our investors and the wider public. We are also subject to ongoing regulation by the CIC Regulator which helps to create confidence in the integrity of our organisation.

Even if Yired UK is dissolved, a specific feature of the CIC model is that any residual assets (after paying off any creditors) must be transferred to another asset-locked body, like another CIC or a charity. This ensures that funds invested into Yired UK will continue to benefit social or charitable ends, even if we exist no more.

Transparency is key. By donating to Yired UK you will be contributing towards the running costs of all our projects, rent, wages for the young people we hire & any external professionals they may need to access. Snacks and beverages within our sessions, equipment for the youth we work with, care packages we may distribute around the community from time to time, uniform for our employees, utility bills, outings, transportation, educational courses & training workshops.

Help us to help young people walk their purpose filled life so they can be ready for the future. Donate today.

One Off Donation


To give regularly, please set up a STANDING ORDER to the YIRED UK CIC bank account using the bank details below. You will need to contact your bank or use online banking to do this.


Account Name: YIRED UK CIC

Account Number: 04566293

Sort Code: 08-71-99

Reference: (Surname, Initial or email )